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Bestselling Science Fiction Author, Cover Artist & Songwriter
Christian Kallias
Recent Posts
Fury to the Stars news
In the past two weeks I've finished the artwork for the second book, Fury to the Stars, and advanced the book very well. I'm about two...
My writing toolbox
At the end of the day writing is more about getting one's bottom to a chair and typing, or writing with a pen for the real hardcore, old...
"War of Art" book and the concept of Resistance
​​ Last year I had the fortune to read for the first time the wonderful book War of Art by Steven Pressfield. This had been a...
Earth Last Sanctuary is out!
Earth - Last Sanctuary is finally out, such a weird sensation! But a positive one, butterflies in the belly. The book can be found on...
The last stretch
Boy are those last few percent of a project the toughest aren't they ? While the book is ready, only require to make one final check...
Pre-publishing preparations...
Publishing time is approaching day by day now. But in this day and age, a writer's job is never done (it certainly feels that way!). I'm...
Welcome to my blog
Welcome to the blog section of my website. Here you will find information about my writing and the progress of my projects. For now I am...
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