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Pre-publishing preparations...

Publishing time is approaching day by day now. But in this day and age, a writer's job is never done (it certainly feels that way!). I'm currently dotting my i's and crossing my final t's. I'm re-checking the book over and over again to make sure it contains, ideally none, but more realistically as few mistakes as humanly possible. There's also the formatting to be done so it reads well on the kindle platform. That’s not a simple task but fortunately my editor did a great job formatting my last draft the right way, so there seems to be few changes needed on that front. Still, I'm sure there will be some trials and errors during that process anyway. It is, after all, my first book and foray into self-publishing.

Today I've opened my publisher account on Amazon. It's a weird feeling, knowing that soon the book will be accessible by all or anyone wanting to read it (mostly Sci-Fi fans I would guess). Don't get me wrong. It's a positive feeling , and after all these years, it feels like the finish line is finally in sight. Here's to hoping the first book is the hardest one to push through (it already feels that way).

I must admit that I'm looking forward to ironing out all the final details as quickly as possible so I can return to writing the second book in full throttle mode. It is my intention to release it this year as well. Tentatively this Fall 2015.

I'll of course keep you posted when “Earth - Last Sanctuary”, my science fiction Space Opera themed book hits Amazon virtual shelves.

Exciting times!


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