Bestselling Science Fiction Author, Cover Artist & Songwriter
Christian Kallias

Universe in Flames Book 15: FIREBORN
Below you can purchase the Limited Editions (Poseidon or Argos covers) of FIREBORN, 3+ weeks before the release on Kindle. The books are the same, only the Limited Edition Covers are different. The future Kindle edition will have a cover based on the background of this page.
IMPORTANT, Please Read: This is the first time I try to sell my books directly to customers. Because of some Kindle limitation, I could never present my books with as many illustrations as I would have liked. With these editions, I can finally present a book the way I always meant to do. But like every endeavor that is new, I hope this method works well. If anything goes wrong, please don't worry and just get in touch with Bookfunnel support after your purchase and they'll assist you on loading your book, or re-downloading it. Alternatively, you can also contact me as well and I'll you if anything went wrong with your purchase.
This edition contains 26 illustrations headers (one per chapter), as well as 11 full page illustrations, of which some ship basic blueprints (StarFury Mark IV & EAD Helios) and character posters (Argos, Athena, Chase, Chris, Kharon, Nyx, Oryn, Poseidon & Thor). Please note that the standard Kindle version of the book will have NONE of these inside the book at its launch price of $5.99.
If at all possible to publish a limited edition on Kindle in the future, they won't have these covers, will cost more ($9.99) and will have LESS character posters as the editions below. That makes the Limited Edition below a collector's item that will only be available until September 30th, 2021.