Captain's Log - Prayers to Athens

Captain’s Log
Prayers to Athens
Author Christian Kallias
New Captain's Log Graphic
Captain’s Log – Stardate 71347.7
We have been having some severe weather in Athens, Greece and the surrounding areas. I was without power for a bit, but Athens was hit pretty hard with rains and flooding. My heartfelt prayers go out to those affected who are without power or water and for those families that lost loved ones. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
I continue to work on writing the final arc for Universe in Flames Book 10 (Into the Fire Part II, In the Eye of the Storm). I’m expecting a launch in December, just in time for Christmas gifts!!
Also, if you hadn’t noticed, I designed a new Captain’s Log graphic. Please let me know your thoughts on if you like the design. I feel it is much more vibrant and geared toward the Universe in Flames Series.
My first audio book for Earth - Last Sanctuary (Universe in Flames Book 1) is available on Amazon. Listen to the heart-pounding action and epic space battles. Check it out at:
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Cheers.
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